Puri Mancebo
(+34) 674 18 28 44Organic winery in La Mancha for sale.
Organic winery in La Mancha wine region.
Winery specialising in bio-dynamic wines with 4ha of vineyards, 3 of which are Cabernet Sauvignon and 1 ha of Tempranillo.
The pago is located 650 meters above sea level.
The cellar built in 2000.
Infographic of the Denomination of Origin
Change to imperial units (ft2, ac, °F)Change to international units (m2, h, °C)Total area:
4 ha10 ac
Winery area:
725 m27.804 ft2
Maximum production capacity:
225.000 l
Planted vineyard:
Vineyard characteristics
Vineyard area:
4 ha10 ac
Grape varieties:
Cabernet Sauvignon
Type of driving:
Organic farming:
Climate characteristics
Altitude of vineyards:
Min: 600mMax: 800mMin: 1.969ftMax: 2.625ftTemperature:
Min: -15°CMax: 45°CMin: 5°FMax: 113°FHours of sunshine per year:
3.000 h
Annual rainfall:
350 l/m233 l/ft2
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